My name is Diana Martin and I am a not so secret agent for the Lord in beautiful Maceio, Brazil. I am serving as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for 18 months.

Monday, May 19, 2014

What a week

Dear family,

So much awesomeness! Thank you so much for the valentines box and quess what! I got the dress that we thought was stolen! It was amazing because on the one year mark we had a zone meeting and there waiting for me was the two packages and a gift from my house mates and basically I felt a lot of love. It was awesome spiriuallty with the training of the zone leaders and amazing because of gifts. those are good. 

This weekend was general conference right? It was great. The fourth session was a little hard at the end because my brain was exhousted from trying to concentrate so hard to understand every word and I got a little antsy but it was really good. 

I had gone into the sessions with some questions. One of them being: Why do people chose do to what is wrong or turn away from the truth when they have gotten an answer. I dont remember who said it but one of the speakers said that when people know the consequences and still chose to do the wong it is like Cain. And they do it becuase they love Satan more than God. It struck me. It is very strong wording but made sense. This week was another hard week with many investigators choosing another way. But all I can do is try to help them devolpe love for our Heavenly Father. 

Like mom, I also really liked the talk about the snow and needing weight to progress. Cargas e fardos. Maybe we don´t like them but they are necessary. I can´t imagine being about to continue day after day trying to do my best if I had never experienced hard ships before. I would just give up! THen like another speaker said we need to be grateful in what every circumstances we are in. So even though don´t particularly enjoy hardships I am gateful for the help and strength and knowledge I have gotten through them. 

OH! The other really cool think that happened to explain the picture. We visited a member at home. This family helps us a LOT in every think we do. Well we got there and they had little presentes for us. We opened them up and there was a personalized hand towel for each of us. With our names and the brazil flag. It was so cute! and it is touching because most of the time we are just foreigners that pass through their wards for a short periood of time but to some we really create friendships and it is the best.

I love you!
Sister Martin

I forgot the biggest news of all! my mission presidente was called as one of the are 70! Elder Presidente Gonzaga! It was awesome! Missão Brasil Maceió! Melhor missão do mundo!!

My one year mark gift from the house mates that I got during the zone meeting

We live at the very end of the apartment complex. Some times it seems like it will never end

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